Without Magnifier
Made in the USA
Limited supply no longer being manufactured
How to Score – A shot hole, the leading edge of which comes in contact with the outside of the bullseye or scoring rings of a target, is given the higher value. A scoring gauge will be used to determine the value of close shots. The higher value will be allowed in those cases where the flange on the gauge touches the scoring ring. Each person who scores targets must understand correct scoring with the scoring gauge. The gauge should be held by the handle when being pushed into the shot hole The value of a shot should be determined before the scoring gauge is removed. If it is difficult to determine the value of a shot: You might try using a magnifying glass.
A scoring gauge is a precision metal instrument with a spindle sized to fit into the shot hole and a flange or “measuring diameter” turned to a precise size that is specified in a competition rule book. The gauge, which is often called a “plug,” is inserted into a doubtful shot hole. The scorer then examines or “reads” the edge of the flange to determine whether the doubtful shot is “in” (receives the higher value) or “out” (receives the lower value). A magnifying glass is usually used to aid the scorer in accurately reading where the edge of the flange lies. Scoring gauges come with various types of handles that are used to gently hold the gauge while inserting it in a doubtful shot hole
Hughes Precision is manufacturing new gauges that conform to the official NRA Standard Dimensions